Parent Involvement
Parent Involvement
We welcome and value the input and participation from our parents and community members. There are many opportunities for parents to participate in advisory committees, classroom volunteers, field trip chaperones, and the PTA. We also encourage community members to be involved with our school through partnership agreements and our volunteer opportunities. We hope each of you will take an interest in our school and participate in one of these groups or attend the many on-campus activities and performances.
SSC - School Site Council
School Site Council (SSC) is a decision making body at our school that plans, monitors and evaluates the activities and expenditures for Consolidated Application programs operated at the school to improve student achievement. It is a council composed of five parents and five staff members (one principal, three classroom teachers and one other staff member). Each SSC member serves a four-year term.
ELAC - English Learners Advisory Committee
ELAC is an advisory group composed of parents of students who are English Learners. Serve as the advisory committee for the English Language Development Program. Each ELAC member serves a two-year term.The ELAC discusses school issues related to our limited English proficient students. One selected member attends 3 District English Learner Advisory Council (DELAC) meetings.
Parent Volunteers
We welcome and value parent and community volunteers who assist our school program and activities in a wide variety of ways. Please contact your child's teacher or our volunteer coordinator by calling the school office.
SAC - School Advisory Council
School Advisory Committee (SAC) is an advisory group who serves as the advisory committee for consolidated categorical programs. The SAC assists in planning, implementing, and evaluating the Consolidated categorical Programs and disseminating information relative to the objectives of the program. Each SAC member serves a two-year term. One selected member attends District Advisory Council (DAC) meetings 4 times a year.
District GATE Advisory Committee
Repetto GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) District Parent Representatives (2 Year Position) are elected by parents of students identified as GATE. Representative from each AUSD Elementary School meet at the District three times a year.